critter cartoon

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Officer charged after prisoner roughed up: SIU

Source:The Toronto Sun


OTTAWA - A Hawkesbury OPP officer has been charged with assault causing bodily harm after a prisoner was roughed up while in a cell in March, the Special Investigation Unit said Friday.

A 21-year-old man was searched by an officer while walking in the Vankleek Hill area March 20.

He was arrested for reasons that were not made available Friday and lodged in a cell.

During this time, "there was an interaction between an officer and the man" leaving the man with serious injuries.

Const. Jean Philippe Mathieu is charge with one count of assault causing bodily harm.

The officer is required to appear in court in L'Orignal on Aug. 4.

The SIU said it will not comment on the case because it's now before the courts.

The SIU is an arm's length agency that investigates reports involving police where there has been death, serious injury or allegations of sexual assault.

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No more taxes after HST...I promise!

They had No Choice!

They had No Choice!
They wore these or I took away thier toys for 7 days!

No kidding!

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"Damn Street Racer"pays with Brusies