Lots of questions need to be answered, but never will, this 6 month limitation is a cats ass if your a police officer, just ask Sergeant Kevin Dhinsa!
Juicy Stuff originally posted, 12 Feb 2009 http://www.gorskiconsulting.com/news.php
By pure coincidence I happened to flip through the National Post newspaper yesterday and came across the following article "Police car impounded after officer allegedly clocked at 165 km/h". The article indicated:
"The OPP intelligence officer, driving an unmarked OPP car, was stopped by a fellow officer on Highway 403 near Brantford Ontario for travelling 65 km/h above the posted of 100 km/h limit, according to the OPP. The subsequent investigation found the officer was not within the lawful execution of her duties at the time. In accordance with so-called street racing rules under the Highway Traffic Act - defined as driving 50 km/h over the limit - Detective Constable Heidi Fischer had her driver's license suspended and the police car was impounded, both for seven days."
This would simply have been another news eye-catcher except for one important fact - I had just recently reconstructed a collision involving a Constable Heidi Fischer where it was determined that her unmarked OPP police cruiser was travelling 168 km/h as she crested a hill and collided with a left-turning Caravan operated by an elderly female driver. Her speed was derived from the vehicle's event data recorder ("black box") whose data was not downloaded by police investigators until forced to by the defense. Despite the elderly woman's injuries the investigating officer, who happened to be Constable Fischer's supervising sergeant, claimed he received erred information and this was the reason why he did not transfer the investigation over to Ontario's Special Investigations Unit (SIU).
Still further, statements taken from officers involved were not taken until months after the event yet those statements contained remarkably, and exactly, the same erred information as the error contained in a witness statement which seemed to support the officer's story. Meanwhile, a second witness, who was within point-blank contact with officers at the site and who saw the complete incident, and who had the best view of the events, was not interviewed nor was he identified in any police documents. The only reason why he was eventually identified was that he lived at the site and approached me with curiosity as I conducted my examinations.
My eventual analysis would have demonstrated that, at such a high approach speed, the short viewing distance over the hillcrest, the fact that the elderly driver had to search for the unmarked cruiser from behind her in her mirrors (including a darkly tinted rear window) would have made it extremely unlikely that a normal, law-abiding, elderly citizen could be expected to react to the situation any better. Despite informing the OPP reconstructionist and the prosecutor of these facts the prosecutor pursued a charge of "fail to yield the right of way" against the female driver. In a remarkable set of circumstances, even her own defense paralegal would not put questions to me on the witness stand that would allow my evidence to be heard and the Justice of the Peace also refused to listen to my objection citing the fact that I was "speaking out of turn" when I stated that not allowing this evidence to be heard was improper.
Despite all scientific reason, the elderly driver was convicted on the fail-to-yield charge. While my advice to her was that she should appeal and file a complaint with the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services (OCCPS), she was so traumatized by what she termed the "corruption" of the police that she did not want to have any further part of it. My own filing of complaints to the Ontario Attorney Generals office was met with resistance in that I was not the primary party involved in the matter and therefore the Attorney Generals office did not have to reply to my complaint. Similarly, a complaint to the OCCPS was met with similar bureaucracy as they stated the collision date of October 22, 2005 was well beyond the limitation of 6 months to which they will respond to complaints. This despite that the trial events were concluded only a couple of months prior to the filing of my complaint.
In all, it shows how improperly the justice system can function. Constable Heidi Fischer made an honest and understandable mistake to travel at extreme speed to an emergency without taking proper care that she not create a further emergency by causing an accident . The accident that occurred was narrowly short of being fatal as Constable Fischer was able to brake and steer sufficiently to direct the impact away from the the elderly driver's door. But a fraction of a second would have resulted in a fatality. Despite this, her supervising sergeant failed to conduct a proper investigation, and either failed to understand the dangerous actions of Fischer, or simply knew the facts but determined he was going to change them. By failing to report the incident to the SIU and by conducting the investigation on his own, despite the conflict of interest as he was responsible for the actions of the officers under his shift, he created the perception that the OPP attempt to hide their misbehavior's and look after themselves. The elderly driver involved was a respectable person who will undoubtedly spend the remainder of her few years talking to others in her community and to her family and the result will be a damaging of the police reputation in the local area. I have spent a number of years interacting with good police officers who have conducted themselves fairly and properly and they do not deserve the fallen reputation as a result of the OPP's failure to review and respond properly.
Apparently there are honest OPP officers in the vicinity as evidenced by the charge laid against Constable Fischer in the noted newspaper article. And this is not to place blame solely on Constable Fischer. By not addressing her problem driving the OPP are creating dangerous situations where constables are unaware of the dangers they are creating. Citizens cannot move out of the way of any vehicle travelling 168 km/h over a hillcrest from behind them. Add the difficulties that an elderly driver has in making such perceptions and the apparent lack of analysis and understanding by the OPP this is a disaster just waiting to re-occur.
You can also call her Homewrecker Heidi as she likes to go after married men, and break up families.
She has been moved around all over Ontario because of the nasty things she does.
" and this is are most finest"...lmao!!!
You hit the nail right on the head sister. She is a disgrace to all police officers and women out there. I knew there would be more of us with the stories I have heard. If there was a fan club “Heidi is a tramp”, I would be the president. I would love to tell you more about my story and hear about yours. Please contact me at jjdavis123@gmail.com
And then she lies to men, saying the reason there are comments on here are because people are lying and out to get her. LMAO Keep fooling yourself SLUT!!
Its obviously men that are keeping her in the job and sadly, its their wives and families that are paying the price.
She tried to ruin a family I know. A family of 6! She is a homewrecker or wanna be homewrecker for sure. She has no conscience or morals for that matter. It is the wives and children that suffer the most in this. Yet SHE tries to play the victim. The men are stupid and lured in because she buys them everything they want and pretends to be someone she is not: A good person who couldn't possibly carry the reputation of a tramp. If you know this "woman" please be cautious and understand she doesn't care if you have a family or not!
Hopefully they move her again! She has done enough damage where she is now. I've seen this lying homewrecker and she is nothing to look at. In fact she looks sickly and old! I'm gathering she's fairly skilled in the homewrecking business, has mastered how squeeze her nasty ass into others lives. Hand that rocks the cradle or something to that effect. She's a compulsive liar and nothing more than immoral tramp! I don't know how her family could love such a disgusting beast!
The police society is one that is well known for their indiscretions within the ranks. Heidi lost her conscience quite some time ago as have the policemen that she sleeps with. To intrude on a family is unforgivable, but for the man, who is supposed to be the protector is family violence, and violence is about power and control. Sadly, this is seems more common than anyone cares to acknowledge these days, but the statistics are horrendous.
I guess the old saying holds true "cops take care of cops". It is kind of sad really. With Fischer's first accident she was responsible for an older citizen losing her licence. Then she gets charged with "Stunt Driving" and by the looks of this newspaper article gets off again. Does she have to kill someone before something is done. The title is misleading but look at the fine, the minimum charge for "Stunt Driving" is $2000. She was fined much less, and the article states Fischer "pleaded guilty on Tuesday in provincial offences act court in Brantford to a charge of speeding."
Does a cop car not have a "black box" with the speed and time the driver is going? Yes I think it does. With that evidence how does one get off. SAD...SAD...SAD.
An Orillia-based OPP officer charged early last year with stunt driving pleaded guilty on Tuesday in provincial offences act court in Brantford to a charge of speeding.
Det. Const. Heidi Fischer had been clocked driving in her unmarked cruiser at 165 km/h in a 100 km/h zone on Highway 403 in Brant County on Jan. 31, 2009. She was on duty at the time.
Fischer was fined $633.75 plus costs and the victim's surcharge, for a total of $763.75. Her driver's licence was not suspended.
Lock up your husbands, Fisher is in the Midland area. I ran across a news article that Fisher assisted in an emergency of a women giving birth at home. By the sounds of the article the husband did all the work the two cops got the headlines. I wonder if Fisher returned to the house later that night to make sure the husband was ok. wink wink As well, by the sounds of the article Fisher lost her "Detective" status. Here's the article:
This woman now lives in the families house that she homewrecked. She's cooking, cleaning and sleeping in the family bed! She's creepy. The "father/husband" moved her in less than a week after the wife\mother of his children left the house because of what these two "cops" did. Funny thing is, this man is still a cheater and continues to cheat now on this homewrecker. Well you have won your prize lol now...enjoy. believe the lies while he has his fun on "night shifts" and "paid duties"
...and I am so sick and twisted myself that I keep writing on this blog. I'm such a loser. Nobody reads this bullshit anyways, but I just can't help it. I think I need professional help.
It appears that Heidi's Habit is more than just driving fast. An unfortunate turn of events. Hopefully, she can turn her life around and make something honorable from the destruction and harm that she has caused to so many innocent people. For the men that allowed her into their lives and betrayed their families honor. Good luck! For the old lady that Heidi destroyed...What goes around comes around and its sound like Heidi may have some karma to repay. For the taxpayers that are flipping the bill...Its your call.
It's pretty sad that many of these "anonymous" comments were written by a bitter and sad person who displays some obvious signs of unstability and mental illness. If you have something to say - Have the courage to add your name - which you don't because you are too cowardly and can't back up your claims.
Anyone who knows the real Heidi knows she is a beautiful, intelligent, talented and is respected by many.
Stop worrying about Heidi - she's doing great. Focus on your own life - because judging by these comments it must be seriously lacking.
She's an ugly piece of white trash, terrible cop, and horrible excuse for a human being with no pride or dignity. I don't like to use the term "karma", but with the dishonest and dishonourable life she lives and countless enemies she's added up over the years, somethings bound to catch up and bite her in that foul behind. The only person on this blog defending her is obviously heidi herself, and hypocritical how she bashes people who post under anonymity while she does the same. She's a complete joke. No wonder so many people have a poor view of cops nowadays due to a few pieces of garbage like this. Sad and pathetic but blame the lousy recruiters. These days its not what you know, its who you know and who you....well you know. Heidi's definitely mastered that latter part. Scary to know we have some incompetent people like her supposedly upholding the law. Society relies on the honest and hardworking officers, those of whom we highly respect.
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