I waited a few days to post anything about this, and for good reason!
Many days ago OPP Detective Constable Heidi Fischer was charged under HTA 172 for travelling 165km/h in a 100km/h zone on the 403, the unmarked vehicle was said to be seized and impounded for 7 days along with Fischers license after an INVESTIGATION!
It turns out that the vehicle was not impounded, it was parked in a OPP detachment lot for security reasons! Are impound lots so unsafe a unmarked police vehicle is not safe, but any other DAMN STREET RACER that's had their vehicle stolen via roadside trial, should be able to sleep at night knowing that their vehicle is safe and secured in an fenced in area.
It could also be said that the vehicle had to be kept from the public eye for a ongoing undercover operation, but they released the Detectives name and location, If this is the case, I guess surveillance from a GO bus/train is going to be tough ride, maybe Fantino asked the bad guys to put their criminal actions on hold for 7 days, just another smoke show from the Do as I say and not as I do sideshow!
I honestly hope the Detective beats this charge in court on March 24th, which I have no doubt she will, this is a waste of resources and the never endless TAX dollar.
The biggest Crock I have read from another site, where another OPP Constable who was charged under HTA 172 while on duty with no seizure of the cruiser taking place, had their personal vehicle seized, yeah ok!
So are you implying that Habitual Heidi is above the law simply because of her status as an OPP??? That would be a huge miscarriage of Justice and puts the public at risk of discrimination at the hand of public servants. As a public servant that is paid on the TAX payers dime, Habitual Heidi should be held to the highest accountability as allowed under the law, simply as a public example. Any lies, cheating and cover ups should be exposed in the interest of public safety. Afterall, that is why cops are being paid the big bucks. It is more than just a status symbol!!!
Judging from the other comments on the this site regarding this same Habitual Heidi Fischer the "Detective" knows who and what she has to do to get herself out of these kinds of messes. Sadly, it seems that her rise through the ranks is also "done" on the taxpayers dime.
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